Monday, May 21, 2012

Group R: The Next Ke$ha!

I’m going to be honest here, Mr. Currin is a big deal. I mean, he is the best teacher here at Alden High. He knows how to keep a class fun. His sarcastic comments make everyone laugh. I remember the one day when I wanted to go to Mrs. Schaefer’s class because I had to ask her if I could borrow a book. As Mr. Currin dialed her number on the phone, Joe White pointed out that Mr. Currin had some glitter on his upper lip area. My only response, “Did you just get done partying with Ke$ha?” Yea, I said that. We can easily joke around with him. I don’t think I’ve heard anyone go too far. We know our boundaries. I think the reason why I decided to take Online Publishing II is because I needed to have an entertaining fourth block. When it comes to fourth block here in the Newspaper Office, it’s hilarious. I think we get under paid, but whatever. In the end, he can get serious, but I can’t really take him serious because I just can’t see him being serious. I know I just said serious 3454565 times in that last sentence, but I’m sure I got my point across. Anyways, I’m definitely going to miss this class. It has been my favorite class. This is probably the PERFECT class for me because it’s pretty much all about writing. It has made me grow as a person. I feel my writing getting stronger and stronger every time I finish a blog or an article. Blogging is a great way to learn about each other, and sometimes it feels like I literally know no one in this class. As the school year comes to an end, it feels like I kind of got to know some people just by reading their blogs. I wish I could come back next year just so I can be in this class again, and sort of see Mr. Currin.

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