Thursday, May 3, 2012

Group Q: A legit rant.

I decided to write about a news article for one of my choice blogs. In a lot of my classes we end up talking about how women shouldn’t be having kids at such a young age. I read this article about a mother, 22 years old, shaking her kid, 6 years old, and then abandoning her in public. I found myself completely disgusted and outraged just by reading this article. How can someone do that? Seriously. You must be completely out of your mind in order to hurt your child, not only mentally but physically. I think women need to learn how to respect their body. Now-a-day women are popping out babies as if it’s a game. The more babies you have, the more points you get. In reality, the more babies you have at a young age only makes you look more stupid. I mean, if you had a baby through a tragedy, that’s understandable, but if you’re jumping from one guy to the next, I don’t feel sorry for you if you get pregnant. I know this one girl, she’s 20 years old, and has a baby. She is the worst mother. She worries about partying more than her daughter. I went to work a little early the other day so I could eat, and there she was holding her baby; showing her off as if she was a trophy. Then, oh just wait for it, she put her baby on the FLOOR. The dirty, restaurant floor. Are you kidding me? I would never set my baby on the floor. What is wrong with you?! I am still fuming from that. Women need to learn how to wait until they are ready to have a child. Clearly you don’t know what you’re doing if you put your baby on a dirty floor. Any real mother would understand that. It’s common sense.

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