going to be honest here, Mr. Currin is a big deal. I mean, he is the best
teacher here at Alden High. He knows how to keep a class fun. His sarcastic comments
make everyone laugh. I remember the one day when I wanted to go to Mrs.
Schaefer’s class because I had to ask her if I could borrow a book. As Mr.
Currin dialed her number on the phone, Joe White pointed out that Mr. Currin
had some glitter on his upper lip area. My only response, “Did you just get
done partying with Ke$ha?” Yea, I said that. We can easily joke around with
him. I don’t think I’ve heard anyone go too far. We know our boundaries. I
think the reason why I decided to take Online Publishing II is because I needed
to have an entertaining fourth block. When it comes to fourth block here in the
Newspaper Office, it’s hilarious. I think we get under paid, but whatever. In
the end, he can get serious, but I can’t really take him serious because I just
can’t see him being serious. I know I just said serious 3454565 times in that
last sentence, but I’m sure I got my point across. Anyways, I’m definitely
going to miss this class. It has been my favorite class. This is probably the
PERFECT class for me because it’s pretty much all about writing. It has made me
grow as a person. I feel my writing getting stronger and stronger every time I
finish a blog or an article. Blogging is a great way to learn about each other,
and sometimes it feels like I literally know no one in this class. As the
school year comes to an end, it feels like I kind of got to know some people
just by reading their blogs. I wish I could come back next year just so I can
be in this class again, and sort of see Mr. Currin.
Everybody knows that I love to write. What I write about though
really depends on my mood at the time that I’m writing. I write about gory
stuff because I can easily relate to it. I know that sounds weird, but I like
reading violent things. It’s entertaining. Horror movies or books always keep
me attached. It’s so hard to look away, unless it’s really corny. Anyways, I
write about things that have happened to me. If something has scarred me in
some way, I try to write about it because that’s the only way that I release my
stress or feelings. When it comes to essays in school, that’s really difficult
because I can’t connect with it. I can’t put in my own feelings. When I had to
write the senior thesis, I tried to pick a topic that I’m familiar with and
that I can relate to. I chose to write about Atheism, because I am an Atheist.
The only advice I can give right now is that it’s really easy to write about
something when you can relate to it. In the future if you have to write a
research paper, choose a topic that you actually understand. I’ve had a couple
moments where I knew absolutely nothing about the topic and then my writing
sucked. When it comes to sports, I can’t really write about that stuff because I
find it annoying. People get too cocky over that stuff and then people over
react and blah blah blah. I mean, I can’t relate to it. The only time I was
ever interested in it was when my brothers did some sports. Mono legit did
everything, Michael did football and so did Brian. I’m pretty sure Brian did
wrestling too. In order to write something, I think you just have to have a
positive attitude and want to write. Of course you aren’t going to write
something good if you’re lost and don’t understand what you have to write
about. Just think about that the next time you have to write something.
best part of the end of the school year is probably when it’s the last day. We
have to hand in our books, clean out our lockers and say good-bye to our
teachers/friends. Surprisingly though, I don’t really have to clean out a
locker. Crystal and I just decided to share a locker since all I had this year
were two main classes, English and Civics. I just had to use folders and because
of the new schedule, I only brought the folders I needed on the days I needed
them on. Easy right? All I have to do is just turn in a couple of books. That’s
pretty legit if you think about it. When it comes to saying good-bye, that’s a
whole different story. We’re so used to saying good-bye and then seeing your
friends in a couple months for another start of a school year. For me though,
it’s the end. Senior year, the final good-bye.It’s sad to think about it. Some of the friendships that I’ve created in
the past 12 years, might not continue after graduation. People go their separate
ways. They start new lives. The relationships that we’ve created with teachers
for the past 4 years are going to disappear unless we friend request them on
Facebook. I won’t do that though, because that’s kind of weird. I can’t wait to
step out these doors on the last day of school and breathe in that summer air.
Why? Because I don’t ever have to come back, except for graduation. A lot of
people are going to change after this year. I don’t talk to half the kids in my
senior class. I don’t know what they’re going to do in their future. I just
hope they all stay out of trouble and be successful.
and thunder storms, the most beautiful weather to me. Some people might think
that’s weird, but surprisingly a lot of people will agree with me. I find
lightning and thunder to be calming, unless it gets out of control and you have
to run for your lives because of a tornado. Anyways, when I was younger, I was
actually afraid. As I grew up though, I just fell in love with it. I think it
was because I had to get used to it while my sister cried in my arms because
she was so afraid. Now, she isn’t that bad unless she hears tornado warnings. I
actually turn off all of the lights and sit next to the window during storms
like that. I remember one time I was sitting alone in the dark next to the
window. I was listening to the thunder and watching the lightning. Sketchy, I know.
Sara came down stairs and went to turn on the light and I was like, “don’t turn
the light on”. I literally scared the crap out of her. She called me creepy and
then went upstairs. Call me whatever you want, just don’t ruin the moment that
storms and I have together. Did you know that lightning is only half an inch
thick? Kind of weird to think about when you’re staring at the bolt and it
looks like 56 feet thick. The most beautiful lightning that I have ever seen
was down south when I went to North Carolina with my friend and her family. I
was right along the ocean too. It was just absolutely breath taking. Here in
Alden when the lightning strikes, you just see the clouds like up, but down
south, you actually see the bolts and the branches that come off of it. I’ve
never seen anything like it before. This may have been a random blog, but sometimes
you just got to be different.
At this
moment in time I can’t really think of anyone that is my icon or can be iconic
to me. I think what makes a person iconic is that they’re strong. Not physically
strong where they have tons and tons of muscle, but mentally strong where they’re
able to do anything no matter what they’ve been through. I like to be able to
relate to someone. It’s easier to understand them and get along with them. I’ve
been through a lot in just my seventeen years of life, and I like to hear what
other people have to say. I think iconic people should give advice that people
can take and actually use. I guess for an example, people say Michael Jackson
is an icon. He isn’t an icon to me, but it would probably be an easier way of
explaining this with an example. So, Michael Jackson, the pop icon. He has been
through a lot. He grew up with strict parents, went through a “skin problem”,
and was blamed for molesting some kids. He still turned out to be the most
iconic person in the world, sort of. He made so many songs that I fell in love
with. He was so unique in the way that he dressed and sang. He changed what pop
music used to be. Hell, to be frank I think he created pop music. He’s just so
different. Sometimes when I listen to Prince, he reminds me of Michael, but
other than that you can never say “oh, that dude sounds exactly like Michael
Jackson”. He was inspirational. He put his pain into his music. I guess what I’m
trying to say here is in order for someone to be iconic, they need to be able
to relate to someone. People need to look up to them, listen to their words and
believe them.