Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Group N: Sketchy...

This may have been the most difficult moment I have ever had to go through in my life. I had to interview Mike Steffan, a person that I have ever said a word to before. Yes, we are in the same class, but I just find him odd and decide not to speak to him. I always think about what the future is going to be like. Not his future, but the future. Of course he turned to sports, in which I dislike and said that he sees the Buffalo Bills winning 50 Superbowls and the Sabers winning 50 Stanly Cups. He didn’t really answer any of my questions thoroughly, so I kind of have to ramble on about some things. The first question I actually asked him was where he would see himself in 20 years. The sketchiest thing I have ever heard someone say was this, “Living in a van, down by the river.”  Yup, Mike said that. I wanted to know if he was going to have a job or if he was going to be on welfare. He just told me to ask the next question. I kind of get the hint that this kid does not want to speak to me. The next thing we awkwardly talked about a mistake he made and why he would go back and change it if he could. He said that he would go back and fix whatever he did to get on editor probation. I would also like to point out at this time that he does not know why he is on it in the first place. Cruel and unusual punishment much? Anyways, his favorite class he has ever taken was Twentieth Century Wars. He mainly likes that class because all he does is sit there and watch movies. The final question I asked him what he hates the most. He hates: clipping his toe nails, flossing his teeth (so I’m guessing he doesn’t do it), mowing the lawn and waking up in the morning. This has been a very odd interview and I enjoyed it. It was kind of like talking to Mono, because I never talk to him.  

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