The most embarrassing moment of my life was probably when I was like four or fiveish. I had the biggest crush on my brothers’ friend Tommy. Tommy was always at our house and we were kind of best friends in a way. I always told my brother that we were going to get married because we were totally in love. Lol. Well, anyways, one day I was dancing, and I was actually skinny once, so I wore dresses a lot. So, on this day, I was dancing in the living room and Tommy was sitting on the couch watching television with my brother. I dance a lot because I’m weird. I still do it today. It’s how I have fun. I don’t care who’s watching. I bust a groove if I want to. Yes, I just said bust a groove. Anyways, so I’m just really jamming out and I didn’t see this book next to me. My living room was carpeted and this book was soft covered so this baby slides like its job on the carpet. Well, I stepped back onto the book with my right foot and it slid. I did my first split. I heard the loudest crack from my hip and then I died. I literally just stayed in the “split” position for like five minutes. Tommy and my brother just stared at me. “Uh, what do I do?” I asked. That’s all I said during that moment. Everyone in the room started laughing at me and I was like, mmmeeehhhh! I guess it’s not that embarrassing because only two people saw it, but still, it killed me a little bit. Tommy ran over to me and helped me up, but still I was a tad embarrassed because he saw me fail. He kind of reminded me of the power ranger. Since that day, I’ve been really flexible, and I’ve had hip problems.
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