Monday, April 23, 2012

Group P: Mustache Cash Stash

To be honest, I don’t really enjoy watching television. I mean, I have my moments where I sit on my butt for an hour or two and watch some Spongebob, but when I look back on my week, I’m reading or writing more than watching t.v. Sometimes when I’m bored on vacations and stuff I watch more television than I should. I watch Jersey Shore, The Food Network Channel, and The Regular Show. I watch more movies than t.v. because they don’t usually have gory stuff showing at five p.m. There are six televisions in my house. We each have one in our rooms because if someone is watching something in the living room that we don’t like, than we go to our room and watch what we want. Parents like to blame a lot of things on the media, especially violence. To be on honest, that pisses me off. If you let your child sit in front of the television for hours in a day, then maybe yea it’ll influence them to do stupid stuff. Seriously though, if a kid sits in front of the t.v. watching Dora the Explorer, I doubt that they will grow up to be a serial killer. I mean, you can definitely monitor what your children are watching. Don’t blame it on the media. Also, I think watching television can help kids learn stuff. That’s why they have Barney the Pedophile…I mean Dinosaur, and Dora. They teach kids how to have manners and how to count until ten. For adults though, it’s just a form of entertainment. Sometimes you just need to laugh at Family Guy to really let some anger go after working hard. In closing, I don’t know why I just started my sentence like that, but anyways, I just think people need to learn that the media isn’t to blame in all cases when your child becomes an axe wielding murderer.

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