I think my favorite class so far this year is Mythology. This is the first class where no repetition has happened. I have always loved English and of course Online Publishing, but it’s the same thing every year. Myth is so much fun. Already this year we had this Olympic Week where we did sports and had a food competition, it was so much fun. The class was split into three groups of five and we competed in the Olympics. We did arm wrestling, the javelin throw, discus, sprinting and the long jump. I competed in the discus throw. I clearly won, because I’m kind of a big deal. For the food competition we had to make deserts and four or five teachers came in to taste them. Sadly, my team did not win. Anyways, we read myths about all the Gods and Goddesses. I always look forward to it. Recently we had our first presentation. We had to choose our favorite God or Goddess and research him/her. I had Athena. It was weird having her because besides being known as the Goddess of War and Wisdom she’s also known as the Virgin Goddess. I googled what my name (Kathleen) meant and it also means virgin and then I noticed that I am a Virgo which is also a virgin. It kind of creeps me out. I also noticed that the myths that we read aren’t really hard to understand. Some myths explain how natural disasters occur, others just talk about the odd things the Gods and Goddesses did. The first thing that we learned was quite deliciously awesome. The Queens would have a King for a couple days or weeks and then when their reign was over they would tear the king apart and eat their flesh and stuff. Other women would join in with this ceremony. They thought that the men were the only ones that had fertility and they also thought by eating their bodies that they would be able to have kids. Yea, they weren’t really smart. Seriously though, join this class. It’s awesome!
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