Monday, October 31, 2011
Group E: Happy Samhain!
Group E: Diabetes are so Delicious.
My favorite holiday is Halloween. For some reason I don’t think it’s an actual holiday, but since I love it, it’s legit. I love Halloween because it’s a scary day and I love scary stuff. I watched my first scary movie when I was four. The movie was called The Haunting. I think ever since then I just couldn’t get enough of scary things. I collect scary movies and so far I have over 100 of them. I don’t go trick or treating anymore because I believe it’s a kid thing to do. I would rather go to the movies and watch a scary movie. A couple years ago, I went to see Saw V in theaters. It was awesome. My friend Tayelor and I dressed up and went to the movies like that. I think today, since it’s Halloween, I might get my dad to take me to see Paranormal Activity 3. It will be a great bonding moment for us. ^_^ Anyways, I love learning about the history of Halloween. It’s weird how all of this came about. I believe in ghosts and I believe that they roam the earth for many reasons. The last house that I lived in was actually haunted. The activity that went on during the year wasn’t as scary as what happened on Halloween night. For some reason, my house just seemed creepier. I think that’s why I love Halloween so much. We’re closer to the dead on this day. It’s so fascinating. Apart from dressing up and ghost shenanigans, I think the candy is the best part. In Alden it depends on where you go if you want to get the best candy. I believe the village gets the best candy. Last year I went trick or treating with my little sister and I think that was the best year for candy ever. Kit Kat Bars + Reese’s Cups = best day of my life, nuff said.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Group D: Some Legit Shenanigans
I decided to do the choice blog this week. I’ll just talk about random shenanigans. Today I have been rather hyper. This is clearly the best day of my life. I’m listening to this song right now. It’s kind of like 80’s techno music. It’s definitely my jam. It took me and Amber five minutes to spell definitely. I can’t spell that word. I always have to have Microsoft do the auto correct thing. I’m kind of special. I’m also kind of a big deal. I didn’t want to do the other blog about what I wanted to do after high school because I basically already did one on that. I noticed that Lil Wayne is the best rapper alive, besides Eminem. Lil Wayne’s songs flow so smoothly and he’s pretty hot. People say that he doesn’t have talent and what not, but to be honest I think he does. I can’t free style like him, or write lyrics like him. I’m a tad bit jealous. I love Eminem because he raps about real stuff. He’s so real and he doesn’t care what people think. If there is something on his mind he’ll rap about it. I think today after school I’m going to go home and sleep. I only got four hours of sleep last night. I went to bed at midnight and had to wake up at 5:30. I don’t work well on four hours of sleep. I might seem awake and alert when in reality I’m zoning out and not really alive. I just remembered I also have to work today after school. That’s cool. I’ll just die some more, while I’m making bank. I’m saving up for a car. I’m slowly getting there. I just spent $100 dollars this weekend because I’m stupid and I buy useless stuff. Well, I’m done here.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Group D: Om nom nom nom nom.
I think my favorite class so far this year is Mythology. This is the first class where no repetition has happened. I have always loved English and of course Online Publishing, but it’s the same thing every year. Myth is so much fun. Already this year we had this Olympic Week where we did sports and had a food competition, it was so much fun. The class was split into three groups of five and we competed in the Olympics. We did arm wrestling, the javelin throw, discus, sprinting and the long jump. I competed in the discus throw. I clearly won, because I’m kind of a big deal. For the food competition we had to make deserts and four or five teachers came in to taste them. Sadly, my team did not win. Anyways, we read myths about all the Gods and Goddesses. I always look forward to it. Recently we had our first presentation. We had to choose our favorite God or Goddess and research him/her. I had Athena. It was weird having her because besides being known as the Goddess of War and Wisdom she’s also known as the Virgin Goddess. I googled what my name (Kathleen) meant and it also means virgin and then I noticed that I am a Virgo which is also a virgin. It kind of creeps me out. I also noticed that the myths that we read aren’t really hard to understand. Some myths explain how natural disasters occur, others just talk about the odd things the Gods and Goddesses did. The first thing that we learned was quite deliciously awesome. The Queens would have a King for a couple days or weeks and then when their reign was over they would tear the king apart and eat their flesh and stuff. Other women would join in with this ceremony. They thought that the men were the only ones that had fertility and they also thought by eating their bodies that they would be able to have kids. Yea, they weren’t really smart. Seriously though, join this class. It’s awesome!
Group D: Momma ^_^
To be honest, most of the teachers I have had in my life have impacted me in some positive way. I’m sure most people look at their teachers and just see people; well I see them as people who can change me and make me think about my decisions. They’re here for a reason. Ms. Terry Gilmore has always been there for me. A lot of people know that I don’t have a mother. I try to look for that perfect mother figure because I still want that chance to say “I have a mother”. I’ve known Ms. Gilmore since freshman year and I’m a senior now. I don’t know where I would be right now without her. She’s helped me so much in every single subject. She even helps me with my family and friend problems. She’s like a goddess who knows everything. I’m not ashamed to be who I am because of her. If I’m depressed or mad she talks to me and makes me feel better about myself or about the situation that I am in. She’s not just a teacher to me, she’s my mother. I call her momma when I walk into the Academic Learning Center. Some people give me weird looks and ask why I call her momma. Well, what is there to explain? She’s my mother. People don’t understand the bond that Ms. Gilmore and I have. I know that seniors or just any kid can’t wait to get out of high school, but I don’t want to leave. So many people become distant from their friends after high school and they’re more focused on college and trying to figure out what they want to do, but I don’t want that to happen with me and Ms. Gilmore. She’s taught me so much I can practically write a book about it. I believe she is the only reason why I love Alden High School. Without her, the school just wouldn’t be the same, I wouldn’t be the same.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Group C: The WAKiest Place in Town
It’s quite obvious on what I am going to choose for the favorite restaurant blog. Since we have to keep it within Alden I’m going to choose The West Alden Kitchen. My father owns the restaurant, and has for the past nine years. I find the WAK to be the best restaurant in Alden because it’s really the only family restaurant where you can go and not be surrounded by alcohol. No offense to the other places within Alden, but seriously, I would like to go someplace where there isn’t just ice cream or pizza served. I want to go somewhere with my father and not have to worry about alcohol either. The waitresses are awesome. They are always happy and they don’t bring their home drama in with them. A lot of the food is homemade by my father or my grandmother. I love homemade food. We get a lot of travelers in from all over the place and they always talk about the homemade food and it makes them feel as if they’re home. When I go to a restaurant I always pay attention to the atmosphere. If a restaurant is too dark I do not go in there. I want to be able to see my food when I eat it. At the WAK it’s really bright and happy. I feel if it is lighter it makes people happier. If there are things hanging on the wall it’s not as boring. Family restaurants don’t need huge televisions or huge radios. You go there to spend time with your family and to talk to them. When dealing with a restaurant like this, you tend to get regular’s. Regulars are people who come in almost every day and you remember what their order is and stuff like that. I enjoy having people like this because they are always happy to see you and it’s like they are your family. I believe family beats a sports bar any day.
Group C: Baby, I was Born this Way!
In online Publishing 1, I made my own Wiki about bullying. I’ve been bullied before for many reasons. I think what happened to Jamey was absolutely ridiculous. I thought times were changing and that we were able to accept people no matter what, but clearly I was wrong. The students who bullied this kid should be arrested for harassment and for committing a hate crime. I have many gay and or bisexual friends and they are scared about coming out to not only their parents but to their friends and peers. I think kids should be able to come out and not have to hide their real selves from the world. People don’t notice how hard it is to be gay or bisexual. So many people hate on their type of living because it is against religion or they just think it’s not right. Well, excuse me; we are all people inside and out. If men and women can get married together, why can’t two women get married? Or two men? It’s love and they have nothing to do with anyone else’s life. Mind your own business. I heard on the news that the students that bullied Jamey did not stop after his suicide. There was a dance at Williamsville North High School and a Lady Gaga song came on. All the students in the gym during the dance started to chant Jamey’s name. The bullies that have done this to Jamey started chanting “You’re better off dead”. For those who have ever bullied someone, grow up. You have no idea what people are going through. What makes you think, that you are somehow better than them? Bullies make me sick. I hope that all the teenagers that have taken their lives rest in peace and for those who are being bullied because of numerous reasons please get help. We need to get together as a family to stop this. You are not alone.
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