I think I’m just going to write about music for my choice. Recently I’ve been listening to a very large variety of music. One of my friends introduced me to a band called The Cab. It’s a very fun band to listen to. Their music is happy, which is not the type of music I usually listen to. My favorite song by them is “Take My Hand.” The chorus is my favorite part of the song. ‘Take my hand and we will run away, down to this place that I know…’ It’s a very beautiful song. Another “happy” band I’ve been listening to is Stereo Skyline. Whenever I listen to it I tend to dance a little no matter where I am. My favorite song by them is either “Heartbeat” or “A Little More Us.” They’re a cute band. I’ve also been listening to Eyes Set to Kill. It’s definitely a screamo band. I only like one song by them and it’s called “Darling.” I enjoy it. To tell you the truth, I’ll listen to anything except for country music. That music just bothers me. The music I enjoy the most though isn’t screamo. Big shocker there, right? The music I actually like the most is the oldies. When I say ‘the oldies’ I mean the 80’s and 90’s. Play any 80’s or 90’s song and I’ll know it. I may not know the words to the song, but I’ll know the rhythm of the song. From there I can guess the name of the song and, or the singer. It’s weird, but it’s just one of my talents. I remember my dad came out into the living room and walked in on me listening to 80’s music. A song came on that he didn’t even know and I knew it. He grew up in the 70’s and 80’s. I know more music than him. Lol.
Cool background.