I think bullying is not just rude and mean, but interesting. I would love to get into the mind of a bully. I want to know and understand why he or she is acting this way. When I researched why people bully, it’s because there is something wrong in their life and they don’t know how to take care of that problem. Bullies channel their anger towards people that have nothing to do with them, hence why they pick on the weak. I noticed that here in Alden, most of the bullies use words as their way of attacking their victim. I wonder why. Why don’t just fight? Why chose words? There are fights here in the high school, but that’s because of stupid reasons between people that use to be or are friends. It truly confuses me why people really decide to bully. Sometimes people are just bored and decide to pick on someone. Recently I heard about this fight because a girl commented on another girl’s lipstick and said that it looked like something that I cannot say at this moment because it is inappropriate. After that, they started beating each other up. A way to prevent this fight is to perhaps ignore the bully. Just because the bully said something, doesn’t mean it’s true. Another thing I don’t understand is why the victims listen or believe what their bullies say. I believed my bully because I understood that I was overweight. I knew that I was overweight. It didn’t really hurt me as much. When it comes to the hurtful words of homosexuals, now I understand why they are hurt. Those words are just hurtful. I made the mistake of calling my friend that once, and she’s bisexual. It still hurts though. I regret calling her that, but I learned from my mistake. I watch the news all the time, watching people commit hate crimes against all kinds of people and saying that gay marriage shouldn’t be legalized. First of all, if a woman and a man can get married, so should two girls or two guys. They are people too. They love each other, live with it people. They have nothing to do with your life so don’t worry about there’s. Anyways, I totally got off track here. Even if bullies go after their victims, I’d really love to know both sides of the story.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Final Project - Grow Up
I’ve learned a lot from researching the topic of bullying. I’ve noticed that there was a lot more types of bullying besides School, Cyber and Workspace bullying. It’s sick that even more types exist. I also noticed that being a victim of bullying is terrifying. I have been a victim, but I wasn’t hit or beat up at all. I was just harmed with words. Words can hurt more than actions, but both still cause pain. I used a lot of the recent suicides of the gay teenagers because it shows how words can really hurt someone. I also researched that the bullies pick on the weak ones. To tell you the truth, I find that not all true. I am not a weak person. What is true though, they find something that sticks out on a person. For me, that was me being overweight. I didn’t go to a lot of people. I just went to my guidance counselor. If you read my other blog I also told you that story. Anyways, I learned that not all people help with this situation. In all the kids that I researched, it said that a lot of them went to people for help within their school but they didn’t do anything about it. I find that surprising and really ridiculous. In the video about the eight year old, the mother said something about children going to school and being safe. Isn’t that right? We come to school to learn, and meet people and have fun. How can we have fun if our souls are being crushed by a heartless person? I try helping people when they are being bullied. I know I’m young and I don’t have much power, but sometimes words fix a problem. Bullies tend to pick on people who are depressed, shy, and quiet to themselves. It amazes me that bullies do that. Half the time, bullies don’t even know the reason why people are like this. My little sister is very shy, and it worries me that maybe someone will pick on her. I’m glad she’s in high school now because I can protect her. I just wish that people would grow up and be mature. I’ve learned that a lot of people are ignorant in this world.
Final Project - My Opinion
My topic I decided to do the final project on was Bullying. I decided to actually narrow it down to school bullying. I’ve noticed that our school actually has a lot of bullying. It’s just behind the scenes so teachers never really see it unless it gets really bad. When I say bad, I mean when a fight breaks out. I truly think bullying is immature and incredibly stupid. I understand that people are different, but isn’t that a good thing? I wouldn’t want to live in a world where people are all the same and completely boring. I like the fact that there are emos, goths, preps, jocks, nerds, cheerleaders, etc. Then again, isn’t it wrong to have labels and cliques? People are friends with the people they have the most common with. Well, at least that’s what I think. Sometimes, when I walk down the hallways, I see all the little cliques and I wished that everyone would just talk to everyone else. It’s Alden. It’s like we’re one big family. It makes me so mad when I see someone picking on someone else because they have a disorder, or because they perhaps wear skinny jeans and they are a male. Seriously, is it really a problem? They’re acting themselves, we should accept that. I remembered this one time these kids were making fun of my friend because she was bisexual. They told her to go away and come back when she was “okay”. What exactly is “okay”? Ugh, that angered me. People are just so judgmental. When people bully their peers they don’t even know the other side of the story. I don’t even think bullies know the consequences that can happen if they bully someone that is so fragile. I was bullied once because of my weight. I understand that I am overweight, but what does me being overweight have to do with your life? I don’t pay attention about the way you look or what you do with your life. I pay attention to myself. That bully though, did lower my self-esteem and I had to go to my counselor and talk to her about trying to get through this without doing anything that can damage my body. I’m better now, and I don’t listen to anyone that decides to hurt me because something goes wrong in their life and they have to hurt someone to make that pain go away. You’re ignorant if you decide to hurt someone else.
Monday, January 10, 2011
1/10-1/14 That Creep.
I have no idea what to write about. I hate these choice thingies. I guess I’ll just write about the guy that everybody loves, Mono. >.> I don’t get you guys. Why do you love him so much? If I could swear, I would probably describe Mono in three hundred swear words and that would be my blog. Instead, I guess I’ll be nice. Mono is the most disorganized, disrespectful, rude, annoying, creepy, mean, heartless, dirty, hairy, weird person I have ever met in my life. That was nice right? He’s my half- brother, but still, I’m related to that…thing. On New Year’s Eve he hugged me. Mono. Hugged. Me. That only happens every 3456348475638756 years. Anyways, we do have our moments like that. He’s very protective of our family. Then again who isn’t? When we were little though, we always fought. We hated each other and sometimes I still get that feeling. He always mocks my music. If you know who I truly am I get so pissed when people mock my music. See what I mean by heartless. Another thing that Mono does is that he acts so cocky as if he’s the king of the world. Ugh, that also makes me incredibly mad. When he has his friends over he treats me like a slave to go get him stuff. Excuse me? Just because I’m a lady doesn’t mean I am a slave. Ugh, he angers me. But I’m nice so I do it for him because I have a heart. He also eats everything in sight. I can’t buy stuff for myself if it’s food because he eats it. He also drinks everything out of the container! He doesn’t know what a cup is. Another thing I hate about him is that when he drinks coffee he makes weird noises. He doesn’t like the taste of coffee so he makes this gagging noise. Yet he still drinks it. Confusing right? I also hate how he treats his beard. He doesn’t trim it or take care of it at all. When I walk passed him at home his beard punches me in the face. That is not right! When he sleeps on the couch he looks like a homeless person. I have a homeless person as a brother. Great. Well I just noticed I am well over 300 words. It’s time to stop talking about that creep. :D
1/10-1/14 I Married A Taco.
One word, TACOS! Lol. For dinner on Superbowl Sunday, we have tacos. That is the only reason why I even exist that day. I’m not normally a big fan of football. When Mono, Markus, Brian and Michael (my brothers) did football that’s the only time I actually paid attention. I don’t have a favorite team or anything except for the Alden Bulldogs. :D I actually watch football that night. I just sit on the couch, eat a delicious taco and watch hot, sweaty men run around with a ball in their hands. Great. My dad does this thingymahjigy for the West Alden Kitchen (WAK). He gives money to the winners who guess the score at the end of the game or at the end of the quarter. I’m not sure. I just know that there is money involved with the game and I do believe it’s legal. lol. Anyways, I don’t do much on that day. It’s just like any other Sunday. I sit on my fantastic butt and do nothing. Well , I still have to do laundry and clean the house or else my dad would get mad at me. I also have to go to bed at nine still. I’m a baby. I need my sleep. That reminds me, shouldn’t we have a day off after the Superbowl? People like party all night long right? I guess it’s just an excuse to get a day off. I think it would work though. It would give me more time to sleep. :D I just noticed I rambled on for the past one hundred words. Oh well, I hope this gets me my points. I’ll hit three hundred words soon and I talked about my Superbowl Sunday. That should get me a fantastic grade for this. I married a taco. :D
1/10-1/14 My Life. lol.
Social networking has changed my life in so many ways. At first I didn’t really care for the internet. I would go on to read the news or check my mail and then I would get off the computer. Last year though, I joined Facebook and I’ve been part of this website called Tagged which is also kind of like Facebook, just less drama. With Facebook I talk to people for hours on it and I change my status all the time. It’s actually kind of annoying because it’s like taking over my life. I can’t go a day without going on Facebook or Tagged. On Tagged I meet people from all over the world. It’s weird because I’m talking to people from Australia and learning about them and stuff like that. I have my own profile, but it’s different from the profile on Facebook. I’m able to create my own background and put widgets on the page too. It expresses myself without having to say much. I guess that’s how I can explain it. There’s also stuff where I can say stuff about myself and what not. It’s a fun website. Facebook and Tagged are the only websites I actually use. Other than those two websites I don’t do much on the computer. I’ve actually stopped reading because I’m attached to the computer. I’ve also sometimes stop writing my stories because I’m hooked. Social networking has almost changed me as a person. I can trust people easily, which is probably not a good thing. I guess it really depends on the situation when I have to trust the person. Anyways, without the computer I don’t know what I would do with my life. Leisure time has become my life. I sometimes even forget to do my homework because I’m busy on the computer. It also creates a lot of drama, but that’s easy because you can easily block that person with just one clock of the mouse button. I don’t mind social networks though. As long as if no one gets hurt I guess it’s pretty legit.
Monday, January 3, 2011
1/3-1/7 Take My Hand. ♥
I think I’m just going to write about music for my choice. Recently I’ve been listening to a very large variety of music. One of my friends introduced me to a band called The Cab. It’s a very fun band to listen to. Their music is happy, which is not the type of music I usually listen to. My favorite song by them is “Take My Hand.” The chorus is my favorite part of the song. ‘Take my hand and we will run away, down to this place that I know…’ It’s a very beautiful song. Another “happy” band I’ve been listening to is Stereo Skyline. Whenever I listen to it I tend to dance a little no matter where I am. My favorite song by them is either “Heartbeat” or “A Little More Us.” They’re a cute band. I’ve also been listening to Eyes Set to Kill. It’s definitely a screamo band. I only like one song by them and it’s called “Darling.” I enjoy it. To tell you the truth, I’ll listen to anything except for country music. That music just bothers me. The music I enjoy the most though isn’t screamo. Big shocker there, right? The music I actually like the most is the oldies. When I say ‘the oldies’ I mean the 80’s and 90’s. Play any 80’s or 90’s song and I’ll know it. I may not know the words to the song, but I’ll know the rhythm of the song. From there I can guess the name of the song and, or the singer. It’s weird, but it’s just one of my talents. I remember my dad came out into the living room and walked in on me listening to 80’s music. A song came on that he didn’t even know and I knew it. He grew up in the 70’s and 80’s. I know more music than him. Lol.
1/3-1/7 Just Another Year.
I don’t really know what will happen this year. My life is always full of surprises. But, I just hope I get through my junior year without any problems. For Environmental Science I have to present my project in front of almost one hundred people by myself because Cait had to leave for Colorado. I was doing the project with her. I’m really nervous about that. I’m excited about her coming back. She will be coming back in June. I’ll surprise her by going with her mom to the airport. I don’t know what my summer holds in store for me. I’ll be working and saving money up for stupid things I don’t need. Miley, my puppy will be turning a year in July and she’ll be huge. Well, actually she’s already huge. In September I’ll be a senior, and I’m definitely not looking forward to that. I’m really nervous about the future. I don’t know what will happen. Markus will be graduating and leaving for college. Score. During the summer though, I think I’m going to try to lose weight. I’m happy the way I am right now, but there’s always those couple pounds you just want to get rid of. Recently I finished my story Broken Avenue and my father knows this guy who can read it and perhaps publish it. Perhaps something good will happen for once in my life. To tell you the truth I don’t know what else will happen this year. I ‘m hoping nothing bad will happen. I want 2011 to be a good year. I haven’t had a good year, in well, years. I just remembered something. My sister in law is pregnant and she should be having her baby soon. It’ll be her first son, which means my first nephew. I already have two nieces which are also her daughters. In the end though, I just don’t want any drama.
1/3-1/7 Worst Year Ever.
I would say 2010 was the worst year of my life. So many things happened that I didn’t enjoy at all. Earlier in the year my mom abandoned my family. I’m pretty sure you know that. At first it was kind of rough for my family to get through it, but we ended up getting closer and our house is happier. A couple months after my mom left, my cat Wanda got hit by a car. I was torn apart. Wanda was my little baby. She always slept on my legs when I would go to bed. That night she got out, and I thought something was wrong because she wasn’t sleeping in my bed with me. The next morning dad went to take Mono to school early and they saw Wanda on the road, dead. I’m still torn apart about this. I can’t let her go. I got my permit. I guess that’s a good thing, but I just wish my mom was here to see that I did something good. I’ve always wanted to make her proud, but I can’t make her proud when she’s not here. I’ve noticed that I’ve become a weirder person than I was before. I’ve changed a lot and I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. I have my moments, but sometimes they are just horrible. I’ve broken down mentally a lot of times during that year. I’ve fallen in love. I’ve fallen out of love. I got my heart broken so many times. I learned how not to trust people as easily as I did before because those people can be fake. My summer was extremely boring because Caitlin was in Colorado for the whole time. I didn’t do anything at all. When she came back though, my life was happier. If I could, I wish I could restart 2010 and make it better.
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