Monday, December 19, 2011

Group H: Be Jealous.

I guess I’ll just do the choice blog. For the “going into the past blog”, all I could come up with was: “The first time period I would like to visit is WWII during the Holocaust so I can punch Hitler in the face.”  So, I guess I’ll just write about how Markus is my favorite brother. I believe he is the smartest man I have ever met in my life. He’s the only brother I can actually have a conversation with because we kind of like the same things and we both have crazy imaginations. It’s hard to believe, but Markus and I are best friends. He might treat me as a stranger in public, but what siblings don’t do that to each other? Markus actually wanted to write one of my articles for this class. I’m sure Mr. Currin wouldn’t be happy with that. I told him he could write my “going into the past blog” and well, he made it like 1000 words. I didn’t feel like editing all of that and I’m sure Mr. Currin would know that I didn’t write it. Markus tends to use bigger words that don’t exist in my vocabulary. Anyways, a lot of people also don’t know that Markus is the reason why that I started writing. He’s also pushing me to go to college. He’s been the first person to ever lecture me about college for an hour while I’m working at my job. I’m glad that he cares though. Because of him, I might be attending ECC for English courses when I get the money to pay for them. He truly knows how to motivate me. I noticed that I can go to him for anything and he won’t judge me. It means a lot to have a brother like that. People should be jealous.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Group H: Seriously....

To be honest, I don’t know how I would want to change the world for the better. I’m sure people want peace and what not, but if we had that, this world would be completely boring. Just think, why would we even watch the news? Would there even be news? I’m sure another 9/11 wouldn’t happen or WWIII, but just think, the world would be kind of dull without any drama. The one thing I would want to change is the fact that there are starving children in this world. I hate to think about how children are dying at such young ages due to starvation. They haven’t even had a chance to make friends, get a job, fall in love and even have their own family. My major goal in life is to start my own family. Another thing I want to change is the kids who don’t get education. I understand that school is hard and that kids just give up because they think it’s stupid, but school is important if you want to make it anywhere. Of course you hear about people who have dropped out of college or high school and suddenly they become famous, but how often does that happen? How can kids just live on their parents couch for the rest of their lives? I need to live and go on journeys. Sometimes I might need my father, but I won’t need him forever. We need to learn how to grow up and move on with our lives, even though we don’t want to. Another thing I would do is get rid of illegal drugs. Drugs make people do stupid stuff and sometimes I wonder if that’s why this world is the way it is now. People joke about doing drugs all the time, when in reality it’s a serious thing. I also understand that people are curious about drugs, but curiosity killed the cat. Oh, and from the beginning, I wasn’t saying we should have more wars, I was just saying that we need some things to keep this world alive and entertaining.

Group H: The Next Artist?!?!?

I enjoy this blog a lot because I love interviewing people just to learn about them. I don’t usually talk to Rachel Sisson, so I was a pleasure interviewing her for this blog.

KH: What’s your favorite color, and why?
RS: Pink, because it’s so warm and it always reminds people of happiness and love.

KH: What’s your favorite hobby or hobbies?
RS: My favorite hobby is to play basketball. I also do fourwheeling and I used to do dance. I quit dancing because I wanted to join basketball. I’ve always wanted to play.

KH: Is basketball the only sport you play?
RS: Yes, it’s a special interest.

KH: What do you want your future career to be?
RS: I actually want to be an art teacher. I would like to be an art teacher in an intermediate school, not too young and not too old.

KH: Are you ready for the future? Because it’s literally right around the corner.
RS: No, I’m so scared. You’re mainly on your own and there are bills you have to pay and you have to make money. It’s not easy for people right now. That is what scares me.

KH: What kind of music do you like?
RS: I listen to all kinds of music, but I mainly listen to country.

KH: What is your favorite band and or singer?
RS: My favorite singer is Jason Aldean (country singer).

KH: Do you have a hero, if so, who? And why?
RS: My parents are my heroes. They know me better than anyone else and they are always there for me when my friends aren’t.

KH: If you were to be an animal for a day, what would you be and why?
RS: I would be a dog because they pay attention all the time, they don’t judge people and they act as if they don’t have a care in the world.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Group G: Hyper Shenanigans ^_^

The color PINK, is the best color ever invented in the world. PINK is also Amber’s older sister Allison’s favorite color. Did you know that lightening is only ½ an inch thick? My feet are big. Amber wants to know the size. They are currently 11 inches. Yes, I have big feet. Big Time Rush is delicious. James is my favorite person from that band. Yes, I’m trying to waste time by writing these random facts. Amber just told me a story, and I don’t care at all. Cool story bro’. I dance like the whitest and nerdiest person in the world. I’m sure nerdiest is not a word, but whatever. 631561461536.2302322302320 ß says Amber. "I swear to fluffernutter, if you don’t give me back whatever you took…” ßsays me. I’m a scary person. RAWR. Does this count as a blog? It’s my choice of what to right about, so I think it’s pretty legit. Shannon just found out what I was doing. I’m definitely just trying to waste time and words. I think I’m doing a pretty good job of this. “Your dog don’t has moves like these.” (dances like a really white person.) Shannon says I dance worse than a white person. Insult. By the way, I was quoting something up there, so that’s why there’s bad grammar. As I write this stuff, I talk in a southern accent to make it funny, ya’ll. Shannon didn’t mean for me to actually put “ya’ll” in here, so my bad. I’m still going to keep it in there. “Word to my momma, I’m out of my llama”, according to some man who raps with Lil Wayne. Shannon dislikes my dance moves. Rude. Shannon says, “If you see them, you’d understand.” “KATIE loves JB,” Shannon says. Um, fail. Not at all. The End.

Group G: Mo Money, Mo Problems

I really don’t understand why so many people love Justin Bieber. I’m not just saying this because I’m into different music; I’m saying this because he has no talent. Now that he has gone through puberty, his career is pretty much over. How is he going to be able to sing all those songs before puberty? It’s not going to be the same. I don’t think singers should start their career until they’re done with puberty and what not. I’m not trying to bash on Justin, it’s just, what is he going to do after people don’t love him anymore? His voice has changed and his long hair is gone. To be honest, I think that’s all the people loved him for. I don’t find his voice great at all. If people are going to be singers, they need to be fabulous singers in the recording booth and out. You can’t write a song that’s for a soprano when you’re an alto. I would hate to go to a concert and have the singer be completely horrible and off key. It would be a waste of my money. Justin was good before he became famous, but now he’s completely different. Another example is Katy Perry. She is horrible at high notes, yet she tries to hit them anyways in live shows. Jeez, do what Adele does and make the notes a tad lower for live performances. I kind of don’t want my ears to bleed when I’m trying to have a good time. As Shannon just pointed out, Justin Bieber has a lot of money. I don’t care for money. I believe all this world needs is love. Yea, that was quite corny, but that’s what I believe. People are too greedy now-a-days. I could care less. If I ended up on the streets when I grow old, as long as I have my loved ones I can live.  

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Group G: I just have to be me.

Glee, the best show ever created, nuff said. Glee is a television show about teenagers’ lives in high school. To be honest, when the show first came out I thought it was completely stupid. I didn’t watch it at all. But then, my younger sister Crystal told to me to just watch one episode with her and I did. It was the one with Kurt Hummel doing the Single Ladies dance during the football game. After that, I fell in love with the show. Of course other channels try to show lives of teenagers but I would say this one is more accurate. I watched this other show called Skins which was on MTV, but I think it got canceled. I have never seen such a graphic show ever. I enjoyed watching it because it was funny, but that show wasn’t even close to kids now-a-days. The show pretty much said that all teenagers are drug addicts and have sex all the time. I disagree. Glee shows the troubles that teenagers go through. Some teens are gay, others are addicted to drugs, some pregnant, and some aren’t accepted for who they are. Those examples are what teenagers lives are like. They express their feelings through songs. I kind of wish we did that. It would be pretty epic. Example: (setting) Online Publishing, Block 4, Day 1, December 1, 2011. (lead singers) Kathleen Herter, Amber Breyer, Emily Cole and Mr. Currin. (working on articles). (song) Halfway There by: Big Time Rush.

When the chips are down, back against the wall
Got no more to give 'cause we gave it all
Seems like going a distance is unrealistic
But we're too far from the start

Mr. Currin:
So we take what comes and we keep on going
Leaning on each other's shoulders
Then we turn around and see we've come so far somehow

We're halfway there, we're looking good now
Nothing's gonna get in the way
We're halfway there and looking back now
I'd never thought that I'd ever say
We're halfway there, we're halfway there

If you never flew, we would never fall
If the world was ours, we would have it all
But the life we live isn't so simplistic
You just don't get what you want

Emily Cole:
So we take what comes and we keep on going
Leaning on each other's shoulders
Then we turn around and see we've come so far somehow

We're halfway there, we're looking good now
Nothing's gonna get in the way
We're halfway there and looking back now
I'd never thought that I'd ever say
We're halfway there, we're halfway there

Emily Cole:
How you ever gonna reach the stars
If you never get off the ground?
And you're always here where you are
If you let life knock you down

We're halfway there, we're looking good now
Nothing's gonna get in the way
We're halfway there and looking back now
I'd never thought that I'd ever say
We're halfway there, we're halfway there
(Oh, we're halfway there, halfway there )

Emily Cole:
Oh, we're halfway there, halfway there
Oh, we're halfway there, halfway there

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Group G: If I'm lyin', I'm dyin'.

Why am I awesome? Well, that’s because I’m, well, me. I am the most laid back, sweet and caring person you will ever meet in your life. I know I don’t look like it because I wear all black, but seriously, you will get diabetes because I’m so sweet. I have an awesome sense of humor, unless it deals with racism or sexism. Yes, I may be a lady, but I don’t like being in the kitchen all the time and no I will not make you a sandwich. Anyways, I’m a very unique person. I’m sure you will never meet any one else like me. I’m one of a kind. I’m shy at first, but when you get to know me, I can be quite obnoxious. I always think positive about myself. I don’t wear make-up because to me it’s a mask that people hide behind. I was born beautiful. Of course I have my flaws, but I’m proud of them. I know I’m not perfect and I never act like I am. I try my best at everything, going into everything open minded. I might whine occasionally, but everybody does. I stay drug free because I want a future. I don’t judge others if they do drugs or drink alcohol because it’s their decisions. They aren’t a part of my life, so why worry about them? I don’t talk about others behind their backs because I wouldn’t want that to happen to me. I can always keep a secret. I am most definitely the person you can trust. I understand what some people are going through and they know they can always come to me and talk about it because I don’t tell anyone else and I always give them feedback. I’m a counselor when people need to talk about something’s that are so sensitive. I always tell the truth and nothin’ but the truth. Some people might be reading this and think that I’m lying right there, but to be honest, I’m not. If you always tell the truth, there’s nothing to remember. If you need a friend, I’ll always be there.

Group G: Kathleen SquarePants

Um, Sponge Bob Square Pants, nuff said. Over the past five months I have become overly obsessed with this yellow sponge that lives in a pineapple under the sea. I don’t know why I suddenly enjoy watching this show, but it’s quite entertaining and quite different than the other shows on television right now. I actually laugh, cry and question my sanity while watching this show. I’m seventeen still watching a cartoon made for younger kids who still play with Barbie’s and “Action Figures.” I literally have to buy everything that has Sponge Bob’s face on it. Over the Thanksgiving weekend I went shopping with my father. I was supposed to be buying for other people, but instead I just bought stuff for myself. We went down the toy aisle at Wal-Mart and I do believe that was a mistake. There was so much Sponge Bob stuff! I bought this play mat with Sponge Bob on it. I don’t really know what I’ll be using it for, but right now it’s just a rug on my bedroom floor at this moment.  Besides having a mat that has Sponge Bob on it, I have many other collectibles. I have these wall clings that are made up of the stuff that window clings are, but they’re stickier. There is a huge Sponge Bob one and then there are smaller ones of him, Gary, Squidward, Patrick, and Mr. Krabs. For my birthday my dad got me this coloring pad of Sponge Bob. It’s epic. I’m a huge fan of coloring and I always have marker, crayons and colored pencils available. Anyways, I colored a bunch of pictures from the coloring pad and put them on my walls. It looks pretty legit. Surprisingly there is also a Sponge Bob album out. I bought it last year around Christmas time. It has all the best songs on it. I have blankets and pillows of him to. I love Sponge Bob and I can see myself being eighty and still watching this show. I might even marry him.  

Monday, November 21, 2011

Group F: I don't wish for money, I wish for life.

For the three wishes, well, this is probably going to be depressing. My first wish would be to bring my oldest brother back to life. He died in 1992 from an allergic reaction to latex. I was born in 1994, so I was never able to meet him. I always wonder what life would be like right now if he was alive. I can’t really learn much about him because it’s kind of awkward to ask my dad about him. All I know is that he was diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy at a young age. He had to be in wheelchair most of his short life. He was only fourteen when he died. If he never had that allergic reaction and was still alive today, I wish that he would never be diagnosed with that disease. I hate to see the pain that people go through because they are disabled. I truly do have a problem with people who judge others. I know many people judged my brother because of what he was going through. He had to go to a whole separate school for some stupid reason.  My third wish would be to wish that people didn’t judge others so easily. I know I have my moments when it comes to judging, but I never go too far like some people. Just the other day in lunch someone was being racist and I confronted them about it in front of the whole lunch table. I’m sorry, but if you want to be ignorant like that you can go somewhere else. People are supposed to come to school and be able to go to classes and have fun without worrying about ignorant people. I hate when people judge other’s because of their race, sexuality, religion and so on. I told someone that I was atheist and they called me stupid and decided to not talk to me. It was my choice to be like this. I’m not stupid because of what I believe in. I don’t judge you or call you stupid. I already did a blog about judging gay people and if I talked about race I’m pretty sure this blog would be 4876389579384 words long. I clench my fists when people judge others because of skin color. It pisses me off that much. I’m a very sensitive person and I will literally try to save anyone that I see being bullied in any way. It’s just what I do. I don’t tolerate that ignorant crap.

Group F: "Give in to love or live in fear."

Normally I would do my top three favorite scary movies, but I think I’ll try something new. I will tell you about my favorite musicals. The first musical that I love to watch is Rent. I can literally watch this movie over and over again. Well, I have done that before. I know all the words to every song and I know all the words when people talk. I usually annoy the people that I’m watching the movie with because I’m talking through the whole thing. Rent is about a group of friends, some have AIDS, others don’t, and they go through this journey of finding love and losing the ones they love. I’m pretty sure I’ve cried 45987398475394 times throughout this movie and I do cry each time my favorite character dies. I get emotionally attached to the characters because I’ve watched this movie so many times it’s almost my life. Another musical I love is Chicago. I watched the new version earlier this year in American Film, taught by Ms. Weisbeck. This movie was about a woman who was trying to get into the singing business by sleeping with this man but he was just using her. She shot and killed him. She ends up going to jail and she just wants to become famous. She starts all these rumors about her being pregnant when really she isn’t. The musical numbers in this movie are phenomenal and they always get stuck in my head. I can’t think of a third musical I like, so I’ll just go back to horror. I just watched a scary movie recently called Joy Ride. That was the most unique movie I have ever watched. These brothers decide to go on a road trip to pick this girl up in Colorado and one of the brothers decide to get this radio for his car that trucker’s normally use. This trucker named Rusty Nail is the victim of a harsh prank these boys played on him and he’s out for his revenge. Rusty Nail starts to follow these boys everywhere and try killing them. It’s really an awesome movie. There is also a sequel, but it’s not as good as the first one.  

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Group F: Set the World on Fire

My favorite music genre is Screamo. Technically its not a genre, but thats the type of music I listen to. Some people call it metal, alternative blah blah blah. I actually started listening to this music in 2010. My friend Cait got me into it. My first Screamo song was The Flood by Escape the Fate. That song got me addicted to the whole genre of music. To this day, Im still finding out about new bands and what not. I actually dont like some bands because they are too hardcore. I like to understand the words that the people are saying and some bands just scream to the point that you have no idea what they are saying. I can understand the screaming to some point. My favorite band is either Asking Alexandra or Black Veil Brides. Its hard to choose between those two because both are so unique and inspiring. Black Veil Brides lead singer, Andy Sixx, used to be bullied in high school and now hes a successful band leader. Their songs are about standing up and not being afraid of facing your fears. My favorite lyrics come from the song Set the World on Fire which just came out on their recent album.
Fight for all you know
When your backs against the wall
Stand against the liars
Stronger than before
When your life becomes a war
Set the world on fire.
I follow these lyrics and stand up for myself when others try to put me down. Nothing can stop me.
Asking Alexandra on the other hand is pretty B.A. if you know what I mean. Their music is a mixture of techno and scream. I cant really put any of their lyrics on here because they swear a lot to get their points across. This genre of music relaxes 24/7. Im always listening to the same bands and their songs because they never get old to me. I will literally never stop listening to this genre of music. I will follow these bands until I die.

Black Veil Brides

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Group F: These Vampires Don't Sparkle.

It’s hard to choose what my favorite book is because I read a lot. I’ll write about this series of books that I’ve been reading for the past two years. It’s the House of Night novels written by P.C. Cast and her daughter Kristin Cast. This whole series is about Zoey Redbird, a teenager who is marked. Yes, she is a vampire, but not like the Twilight vampires. They actually suck blood and rip bodies apart like it’s their jobs. They don’t sparkle in the sun. They don’t even go out in the sun. In this series, vampires are normal to have in society, but people look down on them. If a teenager is marked, they are taken to the House of Night where they go to school and live there. A person will know if they are marked because they will have a crescent moon on their forehead. Zoey Redbird was already having a hard life when she was marked. She was not happy at all. She has a rough relationship with her mom because she got remarried to this man named John. He treats her like crap. During the series Zoey learns that she is almost like the Goddess Nyx in which all the vampires pray to. Zoey has the power of earth, water, spirit, fire and air. She meets other friends that end up having the one of the powers that she has. I love this series so much because it’s entertaining. I literally read three of the books in two weeks. I couldn’t stop reading. I would read whenever I could. I was able to imagine everything she wrote. She came up with the best plots. It was nothing like you have ever read before.  The ninth book of the series just came out at the beginning of the month and you bet your bottom dollar that I bought it.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Group E: Happy Samhain!

For my choice blog today, I will write about my favorite scary movie. Today is Halloween so I think it’s pretty legit to write about this topic. My favorite scary movie is Trick 'r Treat. When I first watched the movie I was completely and utterly confused, but it was so good that I watched it again right after that. The movie is made up of four separate stories but in the end they are all related. There is this little pumpkin kid who is the spirit of Halloween. He watches everyone. If someone breaks the rules of Halloween he will come after you and kill you. He’s so cute though because he wears orange footy-pajamas and this weird potato sack over his face. Anyways, the first story is based upon this legend where this bus driver drove this bus off a cliff. He survived though. The rest of the kids on the bus died. The little pumpkin kid decides to get revenge on this guy. The bus driver grows up to be this grumpy man who takes candy from the kids who come to his house. The pumpkin kid goes to his house and tries to get candy. He won’t give up until he gets some. He tries to kill the bus driver, but in the end he gets the candy. The second story is about this principle from the school in that town who kills kids and then carves their heads like pumpkins. It’s awesome. The principle goes into the village dressed up as a vampire. The third story is linked to the story with the principle. It’s a bunch of college girls who are going to a “Halloween Party”. They are actually werewolves. The one girl dressed up as little red riding hood kills the principle. It’s kind of hard to explain that part. The fourth story has to deal with the first one with the bus driver. These teenagers decide to pull a prank on the town nerd. They invited her to the cliff where the bus drove off. They tell her the legend and then as they disappeared she started to freak out because she’s all alone. Then she starts to get chased by these things that were once human beings. She then figures out that it was just the teenagers who dressed up as them. She starts to run away. The actual spirits of the kids that were once killed down there came back and killed the teenagers. This is the most unique movie ever. The little pumpkin kid really makes the movie what it is. He doesn’t want people to kill the spirit of Halloween.

Group E: Diabetes are so Delicious.

My favorite holiday is Halloween. For some reason I don’t think it’s an actual holiday, but since I love it, it’s legit. I love Halloween because it’s a scary day and I love scary stuff. I watched my first scary movie when I was four. The movie was called The Haunting. I think ever since then I just couldn’t get enough of scary things. I collect scary movies and so far I have over 100 of them. I don’t go trick or treating anymore because I believe it’s a kid thing to do. I would rather go to the movies and watch a scary movie. A couple years ago, I went to see Saw V in theaters. It was awesome. My friend Tayelor and I dressed up and went to the movies like that. I think today, since it’s Halloween, I might get my dad to take me to see Paranormal Activity 3. It will be a great bonding moment for us. ^_^ Anyways, I love learning about the history of Halloween. It’s weird how all of this came about. I believe in ghosts and I believe that they roam the earth for many reasons. The last house that I lived in was actually haunted. The activity that went on during the year wasn’t as scary as what happened on Halloween night. For some reason, my house just seemed creepier. I think that’s why I love Halloween so much. We’re closer to the dead on this day. It’s so fascinating. Apart from dressing up and ghost shenanigans, I think the candy is the best part. In Alden it depends on where you go if you want to get the best candy. I believe the village gets the best candy. Last year I went trick or treating with my little sister and I think that was the best year for candy ever. Kit Kat Bars + Reese’s Cups = best day of my life, nuff said.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Group D: Some Legit Shenanigans

I decided to do the choice blog this week. I’ll just talk about random shenanigans. Today I have been rather hyper. This is clearly the best day of my life. I’m listening to this song right now. It’s kind of like 80’s techno music. It’s definitely my jam. It took me and Amber five minutes to spell definitely. I can’t spell that word. I always have to have Microsoft do the auto correct thing. I’m kind of special. I’m also kind of a big deal. I didn’t want to do the other blog about what I wanted to do after high school because I basically already did one on that. I noticed that Lil Wayne is the best rapper alive, besides Eminem. Lil Wayne’s songs flow so smoothly and he’s pretty hot. People say that he doesn’t have talent and what not, but to be honest I think he does. I can’t free style like him, or write lyrics like him. I’m a tad bit jealous. I love Eminem because he raps about real stuff.  He’s so real and he doesn’t care what people think. If there is something on his mind he’ll rap about it. I think today after school I’m going to go home and sleep. I only got four hours of sleep last night. I went to bed at midnight and had to wake up at 5:30. I don’t work well on four hours of sleep. I might seem awake and alert when in reality I’m zoning out and not really alive. I just remembered I also have to work today after school. That’s cool. I’ll just die some more, while I’m making bank. I’m saving up for a car. I’m slowly getting there. I just spent $100 dollars this weekend because I’m stupid and I buy useless stuff. Well, I’m done here.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Group D: Om nom nom nom nom.

I think my favorite class so far this year is Mythology. This is the first class where no repetition has happened. I have always loved English and of course Online Publishing, but it’s the same thing every year. Myth is so much fun. Already this year we had this Olympic Week where we did sports and had a food competition, it was so much fun. The class was split into three groups of five and we competed in the Olympics. We did arm wrestling, the javelin throw, discus, sprinting and the long jump. I competed in the discus throw. I clearly won, because I’m kind of a big deal. For the food competition we had to make deserts and four or five teachers came in to taste them. Sadly, my team did not win. Anyways, we read myths about all the Gods and Goddesses. I always look forward to it. Recently we had our first presentation. We had to choose our favorite God or Goddess and research him/her. I had Athena. It was weird having her because besides being known as the Goddess of War and Wisdom she’s also known as the Virgin Goddess. I googled what my name (Kathleen) meant and it also means virgin and then I noticed that I am a Virgo which is also a virgin. It kind of creeps me out. I also noticed that the myths that we read aren’t really hard to understand. Some myths explain how natural disasters occur, others just talk about the odd things the Gods and Goddesses did. The first thing that we learned was quite deliciously awesome. The Queens would have a King for a couple days or weeks and then when their reign was over they would tear the king apart and eat their flesh and stuff. Other women would join in with this ceremony. They thought that the men were the only ones that had fertility and they also thought by eating their bodies that they would be able to have kids. Yea, they weren’t really smart. Seriously though, join this class. It’s awesome!  

Group D: Momma ^_^

To be honest, most of the teachers I have had in my life have impacted me in some positive way. I’m sure most people look at their teachers and just see people; well I see them as people who can change me and make me think about my decisions. They’re here for a reason. Ms. Terry Gilmore has always been there for me. A lot of people know that I don’t have a mother. I try to look for that perfect mother figure because I still want that chance to say “I have a mother”. I’ve known Ms. Gilmore since freshman year and I’m a senior now. I don’t know where I would be right now without her. She’s helped me so much in every single subject. She even helps me with my family and friend problems. She’s like a goddess who knows everything. I’m not ashamed to be who I am because of her. If I’m depressed or mad she talks to me and makes me feel better about myself or about the situation that I am in. She’s not just a teacher to me, she’s my mother. I call her momma when I walk into the Academic Learning Center. Some people give me weird looks and ask why I call her momma. Well, what is there to explain? She’s my mother. People don’t understand the bond that Ms. Gilmore and I have. I know that seniors or just any kid can’t wait to get out of high school, but I don’t want to leave. So many people become distant from their friends after high school and they’re more focused on college and trying to figure out what they want to do, but I don’t want that to happen with me and Ms. Gilmore. She’s taught me so much I can practically write a book about it. I believe she is the only reason why I love Alden High School. Without her, the school just wouldn’t be the same, I wouldn’t be the same.  

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Group C: The WAKiest Place in Town

It’s quite obvious on what I am going to choose for the favorite restaurant blog. Since we have to keep it within Alden I’m going to choose The West Alden Kitchen. My father owns the restaurant, and has for the past nine years. I find the WAK to be the best restaurant in Alden because it’s really the only family restaurant where you can go and not be surrounded by alcohol. No offense to the other places within Alden, but seriously, I would like to go someplace where there isn’t just ice cream or pizza served. I want to go somewhere with my father and not have to worry about alcohol either. The waitresses are awesome. They are always happy and they don’t bring their home drama in with them. A lot of the food is homemade by my father or my grandmother. I love homemade food. We get a lot of travelers in from all over the place and they always talk about the homemade food and it makes them feel as if they’re home. When I go to a restaurant I always pay attention to the atmosphere. If a restaurant is too dark I do not go in there. I want to be able to see my food when I eat it. At the WAK it’s really bright and happy. I feel if it is lighter it makes people happier. If there are things hanging on the wall it’s not as boring. Family restaurants don’t need huge televisions or huge radios. You go there to spend time with your family and to talk to them. When dealing with a restaurant like this, you tend to get regular’s. Regulars are people who come in almost every day and you remember what their order is and stuff like that. I enjoy having people like this because they are always happy to see you and it’s like they are your family. I believe family beats a sports bar any day.   

Group C: Baby, I was Born this Way!

In online Publishing 1, I made my own Wiki about bullying. I’ve been bullied before for many reasons. I think what happened to Jamey was absolutely ridiculous. I thought times were changing and that we were able to accept people no matter what, but clearly I was wrong. The students who bullied this kid should be arrested for harassment and for committing a hate crime. I have many gay and or bisexual friends and they are scared about coming out to not only their parents but to their friends and peers. I think kids should be able to come out and not have to hide their real selves from the world. People don’t notice how hard it is to be gay or bisexual. So many people hate on their type of living because it is against religion or they just think it’s not right. Well, excuse me; we are all people inside and out. If men and women can get married together, why can’t two women get married? Or two men? It’s love and they have nothing to do with anyone else’s life. Mind your own business. I heard on the news that the students that bullied Jamey did not stop after his suicide. There was a dance at Williamsville North High School and a Lady Gaga song came on. All the students in the gym during the dance started to chant Jamey’s name. The bullies that have done this to Jamey started chanting “You’re better off dead”. For those who have ever bullied someone, grow up. You have no idea what people are going through. What makes you think, that you are somehow better than them? Bullies make me sick. I hope that all the teenagers that have taken their lives rest in peace and for those who are being bullied because of numerous reasons please get help. We need to get together as a family to stop this. You are not alone.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Group B: Dreams Do Come True.

Uh, what if we have never had a great moment in our lives? Sounds ridiculous right? Well, I guess I have had a moment or two where I didn’t want them to end. If I have to write about something then I’ll just come up with some random though. Back in the beginning of summer/ end of the school year, my father got the news that one of my books was going to be published. I do believe I almost peed myself because I was just so excited. I even cried because I was so happy. Dreams never come true for some people. No matter how hard they try, they fail in the end. I’ve tried and I’ve been working hard on my writing. Every time I finish a story I feel a change occur within myself. When I write a new story I can really tell how I changed. I might find new vocabulary or write more detailed. I can also write longer stories. I noticed that day when my father told me about my story being published I could really feel the pressure rise off my shoulders. I was afraid that I wasn’t going to be good enough to become an author. I was afraid that I was going to have to find something else to do for a living. I mean, this is my dream. Besides becoming a mother this is really the only other dream I have in my life. It felt like I was born to write. Every time I put a pen to a piece of paper I make another masterpiece. Now of course that was quite cocky, but when your dream is on the line, you have to do anything to make that dream come true. I was amazed that this really happened. This was the first time I was ever proud of myself.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Group B: I love Rainbows.

I’m pretty sure this was already a blog from last year, but I’ll rewrite it. :] My favorite season is Fall. The feeling of the cool air against my skin feels delicious. According to Amber, that sentence is quite raunchy. It’s the truth though. I enjoy the feeling of the cold air. It gets me excited because then when I go to football games I wear my Hannah Montana gloves and wolf hat. During the football game on Friday, Mrs. Regdos started to pet me. That is just awesome. Besides the whole awkward petting of my head and awesome gloves, the cold weather gets me in gear for winter. I love fall also because of the color the leaves give off. I may not look like the most colorful person in this school because all I wear is black, but I love rainbows. That was an odd sentence. Anyways, during the season of Fall, Halloween occurs. Halloween is my favorite holiday if it counts. I know we don’t sit down together as a family and eat a feast, but it is something that everybody celebrates. I love scary movies and after I go trick or treating I always stay home and watch a scary movie. It’s also awesome to see how many weird people come out that night. That sounds weird, I know, but some things that people do on Halloween night just amaze me. Another thing I like about Fall is when we rake up leaves into piles and then jump into them. But there is always that pile where someone leaves a stick and when you jump in it stabs your pancreas or something in that area. It’s quite painful. Unfortunately though, since I moved freshman year to a different house in Alden I can’t exactly rake leaves up anymore because we don’t really have trees in our backyard. All it is is grass or pine trees. It’s no fun.
“Praise Jesus” – Amber Breyer
“I whip my hair back and forth” –Amber Breyer

Group B: I kind of don't feel like being kidnapped today.

I use Facebook because my sister in-law told me to get one. Sounds weird right? Well, it was the only way I could talk to her and some of my other family members that I don’t see often. I also use it to talk to my “other half” if you know what I mean. :] The positives with Facebook are like what I just said. You can talk to people in your family that don’t really live around you. You can also meet new people from your school and start talking to them through there. A girl from Alden added me on Facebook and I knew who she was I just didn’t really talk to her face to face. We got to know each other on there and then by summer we were hanging out and stuff. It was kind of random but it was also awesome that I got to know someone and I made a new friend. The bad things that have to do with Facebook are the fact that people can go a little too far. You always hear on the news about kids being kidnapped because they go to meet people that they have met on the internet. Maybe they don’t meet them over Facebook, but it can also be from another website as in MySpace, Tagged, Twitter, MyYearBook or other websites where you meet new people. I know better when it comes to strangers. I don’t talk to them. I don’t give them my personal information and I most definitely don’t meet them in person. Some kids just don’t know the risks they are taking when they post their number on their Facebook. I see kids all the time doing this because they are bored and they want people to “hit them up”. People need to know boundaries, and one day it’ll be too late to finally realize they went a little too far.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Group A: Eat Tots.

I pretty much can write about anything. I just can’t write about sports because I’m not a big fan of sports. I find them quite boring. The only time I paid attention to Football was when my brothers were playing. Same with wrestling, I only paid attention if I had to. I think interviewing is fun, so if we have to do anything where we have to go out and find someone to interview I’m willing to do that. I don’t really have a life either, so if I have to work on the Bulldog after hours it’s fine with me. One thing I’m not okay with is if I have to go out of the high school in order to interview someone. I don’t have the transportation for something like that. Once again though, I don’t mind interviewing someone inside of the school district. I think one thing we should do this year is that we should interview someone in our class and make that as an article for the Bulldog. We have a lot of newer people in the class and it would be awesome to actually get to know them. When we get to the Halloween special, it would be awesome to write about some scary stuff once again. Dances and stuff I kind of find boring yet I still go to them. But, if we need someone to cover them, I guess I’ll do them if no one else will. I won’t write anything about fashion because that is just not my jam. Take one look at me, I don’t care about fashion. Lol. I will only write about stuff on television if I watch the show. Plus, it has to be a good show.  Why write about something that is about food or something? Anyways, I think I hit my limit on words. Bye. ^_^

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Group A: This is Where it's at

My favorite year of school has been most likely my junior year. It was more of the beginning of my junior year. I was in English and Online Publishing with the legit Mr. Currin. I started the day with him and ended it with him. I had easy classes the first half of the school year. I was also with my best friend for all of those classes which made my life facking awesome. I had Environmental Science and that class was seriously easy. I had 90’s throughout the entire year and I got a 96 on the final exam. It was awesome. Even though I messed up horribly on the exam for English, I still passed. The second half of the school year I didn’t really enjoy as much, even though I pushed hard and tried to succeed. I legit had homework every night and I had work sometimes. It was hard to cope with the fact that I didn’t have my best friend anymore. I moved on though, and I passed everything. I noticed that I matured a lot during that hard process. I didn’t pay attention to the stupid stuff going on in the world. I just paid attention to the work I had to get done and if I had the time to do some fun stuff I took advantage of that.
The years I hated the most were 6th, 7th and of course 8th. I believe that Middle School is the most awkward moment of a child’s life. I had horrible fashion sense, and I was always made fun of. I was trying to find who I was as a person and hell; I’m still trying to figure that out. For some people they find who they are, for other’s they have to work hard at it. I made new friends and lost some friends. I was good at school and of course did my work like always. If I could, I would change a lot about Middle School. I’m sure more people would agree.

Group A: Becoming A Hobo

During this school year I’m trying to get 85% or above in all my classes. Of course I’ve tried in my other classes with school work and what not, but I noticed that I have never studied. With English I know I can achieve that goal, easily. With Social Studies 12, I know I have to really push my brain with the quizzes and tests. I usually just pay attention to the things I’m good at. Unfortunately, Social Studies is at the bottom of my list…very very very very very very bottom of my list. I also want to make more friends. It’s my senior year and I want to broaden my horizon and meet more people. I waitress at my father’s restaurant, so I should be good with talking to people I don’t know. It shouldn’t be that hard in school, even though you have those stuck up people who think they already have 965387454 friends and they don’t need anymore. During the school year I also want to purchase a new car. I’ll have to balance school work and regular work once again. Yesterday (Wednesday) was the first day I went to work after school, if that makes sense. It was hard to fit my homework in because I got home almost at three after school and have to go to work a half an hour later. I get home at eight thirty, and I’m totally crapped out. Is it okay if I said crapped out? Well, too bad, I already said it. Anyways, after work I still have to eat and do homework. Sometimes I won’t get to bed until almost ten o’clock when I have work and I’m the type of person that needs ten hours of sleep or else I’m a total egrhfskjdhfsjhdfj. I can’t swear so that’s my way of bleeping it out. The End.

Group A: I has no life.

Summer, lol. I did absolutely nothing. I’m just kidding. I went to North Carolina with my friend Tayelor and well, that didn’t exactly turn out the way I wanted it to go.  I didn’t go with any of my family and I haven’t been away from my family for two weeks before in my life. So, it was hard for me to go a day without talking to my dad or little sister. Before I went on vacation Caitlyn Whelchel came back for a little bit and we hung out. She was telling me about her life in Colorado and how it’s easier for her to be there. I went with her mom to the airport when she had to go back and I don’t think I have ever cried about someone leaving like that before. I was legit crying for hours. It wasn’t like little tears here and there. It was hardcore snot and waterfall of tears. It’s kind of gross, but when you lose someone that has been your best friend your whole life and you won’t so them for a year or almost never again, it kind of breaks your heart. Let’s see, I worked on Wednesdays and Thursdays, making bank as usual. I’m trying to save up for a car. I noticed that I didn’t really spend a lot of money, which is kind of surprising because even when I have a dollar in my pocket I have to spend it. I’ve changed a lot. I celebrated my 17th birthday at the end of August. I was amazed I’ve made it this far. On my birthday I noticed that I was growing up no matter what. I also then remembered that I was becoming a senior in September. For some reason, I just don’t want next summer to come.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Final Project - Ignorant

I think bullying is not just rude and mean, but interesting. I would love to get into the mind of a bully. I want to know and understand why he or she is acting this way. When I researched why people bully, it’s because there is something wrong in their life and they don’t know how to take care of that problem. Bullies channel their anger towards people that have nothing to do with them, hence why they pick on the weak. I noticed that here in Alden, most of the bullies use words as their way of attacking their victim. I wonder why. Why don’t just fight? Why chose words? There are fights here in the high school, but that’s because of stupid reasons between people that use to be or are friends. It truly confuses me why people really decide to bully. Sometimes people are just bored and decide to pick on someone. Recently I heard about this fight because a girl commented on another girl’s lipstick and said that it looked like something that I cannot say at this moment because it is inappropriate. After that, they started beating each other up. A way to prevent this fight is to perhaps ignore the bully. Just because the bully said something, doesn’t mean it’s true. Another thing I don’t understand is why the victims listen or believe what their bullies say. I believed my bully because I understood that I was overweight. I knew that I was overweight. It didn’t really hurt me as much. When it comes to the hurtful words of homosexuals, now I understand why they are hurt. Those words are just hurtful. I made the mistake of calling my friend that once, and she’s bisexual. It still hurts though. I regret calling her that, but I learned from my mistake. I watch the news all the time, watching people commit hate crimes against all kinds of people and saying that gay marriage shouldn’t be legalized. First of all, if a woman and a man can get married, so should two girls or two guys. They are people too. They love each other, live with it people. They have nothing to do with your life so don’t worry about there’s. Anyways, I totally got off track here. Even if bullies go after their victims, I’d really love to know both sides of the story.

Final Project - Grow Up

I’ve learned a lot from researching the topic of bullying. I’ve noticed that there was a lot more types of bullying besides School, Cyber and Workspace bullying. It’s sick that even more types exist. I also noticed that being a victim of bullying is terrifying. I have been a victim, but I wasn’t hit or beat up at all. I was just harmed with words. Words can hurt more than actions, but both still cause pain. I used a lot of the recent suicides of the gay teenagers because it shows how words can really hurt someone. I also researched that the bullies pick on the weak ones. To tell you the truth, I find that not all true. I am not a weak person. What is true though, they find something that sticks out on a person. For me, that was me being overweight. I didn’t go to a lot of people. I just went to my guidance counselor. If you read my other blog I also told you that story. Anyways, I learned that not all people help with this situation. In all the kids that I researched, it said that a lot of them went to people for help within their school but they didn’t do anything about it. I find that surprising and really ridiculous. In the video about the eight year old, the mother said something about children going to school and being safe. Isn’t that right? We come to school to learn, and meet people and have fun. How can we have fun if our souls are being crushed by a heartless person? I try helping people when they are being bullied. I know I’m young and I don’t have much power, but sometimes words fix a problem. Bullies tend to pick on people who are depressed, shy, and quiet to themselves. It amazes me that bullies do that. Half the time, bullies don’t even know the reason why people are like this.  My little sister is very shy, and it worries me that maybe someone will pick on her. I’m glad she’s in high school now because I can protect her. I just wish that people would grow up and be mature. I’ve learned that a lot of people are ignorant in this world.

Final Project - My Opinion

My topic I decided to do the final project on was Bullying. I decided to actually narrow it down to school bullying. I’ve noticed that our school actually has a lot of bullying. It’s just behind the scenes so teachers never really see it unless it gets really bad. When I say bad, I mean when a fight breaks out. I truly think bullying is immature and incredibly stupid. I understand that people are different, but isn’t that a good thing? I wouldn’t want to live in a world where people are all the same and completely boring. I like the fact that there are emos, goths, preps, jocks, nerds, cheerleaders, etc. Then again, isn’t it wrong to have labels and cliques? People are friends with the people they have the most common with. Well, at least that’s what I think. Sometimes, when I walk down the hallways, I see all the little cliques and I wished that everyone would just talk to everyone else. It’s Alden. It’s like we’re one big family. It makes me so mad when I see someone picking on someone else because they have a disorder, or because they perhaps wear skinny jeans and they are a male. Seriously, is it really a problem? They’re acting themselves, we should accept that. I remembered this one time these kids were making fun of my friend because she was bisexual. They told her to go away and come back when she was “okay”. What exactly is “okay”? Ugh, that angered me. People are just so judgmental. When people bully their peers they don’t even know the other side of the story. I don’t even think bullies know the consequences that can happen if they bully someone that is so fragile. I was bullied once because of my weight. I understand that I am overweight, but what does me being overweight have to do with your life? I don’t pay attention about the way you look or what you do with your life. I pay attention to myself. That bully though, did lower my self-esteem and I had to go to my counselor and talk to her about trying to get through this without doing anything that can damage my body. I’m better now, and I don’t listen to anyone that decides to hurt me because something goes wrong in their life and they have to hurt someone to make that pain go away. You’re ignorant if you decide to hurt someone else. 

Monday, January 10, 2011

1/10-1/14 That Creep.

I have no idea what to write about. I hate these choice thingies. I guess I’ll just write about the guy that everybody loves, Mono. >.> I don’t get you guys. Why do you love him so much? If I could swear, I would probably describe Mono in three hundred swear words and that would be my blog. Instead, I guess I’ll be nice. Mono is the most disorganized, disrespectful, rude, annoying, creepy, mean, heartless, dirty, hairy, weird person I have ever met in my life. That was nice right? He’s my half- brother, but still, I’m related to that…thing. On New Year’s Eve he hugged me. Mono. Hugged. Me. That only happens every 3456348475638756 years. Anyways, we do have our moments like that. He’s very protective of our family. Then again who isn’t? When we were little though, we always fought. We hated each other and sometimes I still get that feeling. He always mocks my music. If you know who I truly am I get so pissed when people mock my music. See what I mean by heartless. Another thing that Mono does is that he acts so cocky as if he’s the king of the world. Ugh, that also makes me incredibly mad. When he has his friends over he treats me like a slave to go get him stuff. Excuse me? Just because I’m a lady doesn’t mean I am a slave. Ugh, he angers me. But I’m nice so I do it for him because I have a heart. He also eats everything in sight. I can’t buy stuff for myself if it’s food because he eats it. He also drinks everything out of the container! He doesn’t know what a cup is. Another thing I hate about him is that when he drinks coffee he makes weird noises. He doesn’t like the taste of coffee so he makes this gagging noise. Yet he still drinks it. Confusing right? I also hate how he treats his beard. He doesn’t trim it or take care of it at all. When I walk passed him at home his beard punches me in the face. That is not right! When he sleeps on the couch he looks like a homeless person. I have a homeless person as a brother. Great. Well I just noticed I am well over 300 words. It’s time to stop talking about that creep. :D

1/10-1/14 I Married A Taco.

One word, TACOS! Lol. For dinner on Superbowl Sunday, we have tacos. That is the only reason why I even exist that day. I’m not normally a big fan of football. When Mono, Markus, Brian and Michael (my brothers) did football that’s the only time I actually paid attention. I don’t have a favorite team or anything except for the Alden Bulldogs. :D I actually watch football that night. I just sit on the couch, eat a delicious taco and watch hot, sweaty men run around with a ball in their hands. Great. My dad does this thingymahjigy for the West Alden Kitchen (WAK).  He gives money to the winners who guess the score at the end of the game or at the end of the quarter. I’m not sure. I just know that there is money involved with the game and I do believe it’s legal. lol. Anyways, I don’t do much on that day. It’s just like any other Sunday. I sit on my fantastic butt and do nothing. Well , I still have to do laundry and clean the house or else my dad would get mad at me. I also have to go to bed at nine still. I’m a baby. I need my sleep. That reminds me, shouldn’t we have a day off after the Superbowl? People like party all night long right? I guess it’s just an excuse to get a day off. I think it would work though. It would give me more time to sleep. :D I just noticed I rambled on for the past one hundred words. Oh well, I hope this gets me my points. I’ll hit three hundred words soon and I talked about my Superbowl Sunday. That should get me a fantastic grade for this. I married a taco. :D