I don’t think there really is a best meal ever. Since I have to choose though, I think meatloaf is the best meal ever. With my family we don’t really eat often together. When we have meatloaf though, that’s a whole different story. My father is a cook. When he makes homemade things they are just phenomenal. The flavor of the meatloaf just explodes in your mouth and your taste buds go on a wild ride. When we eat the meatloaf we also have baked potatoes and corn. Who ever created meatloaf is a genius. It’s so delicious. Seriously if I was able to eat meatloaf every day and not gain weight I would. We sometimes eat other meals that we make together, but for some reason when we eat meatloaf it brings the whole family together and it reminds us that we love each other. I don’t know how meatloaf would do that but it does. We actually talk and enjoy our time together when we eat this type of dinner together. I’m not use to eating together like that. We eat meatloaf like once a month. We sit down together in the living room and actually eat as a family. When we eat other meals we just scatter all over the house. It’s weird. Then again the Herter family is weird. My family is really picky on the things we eat, but meatloaf is one thing we can all agree on. I swear, meatloaf must have magical powers or something like that.
Meatloaf :) haha