Ryan Pinkowski = B.A.
We all know that Ryan a.k.a. Pinky never gets his blogs done in Online Publishing. This following story will tell you the reason why. Pinky has a secret job. Now that job will not be secret anymore because I’m about to tell you that job. He kills midgets for a living. Every day he has to kill at least twenty midgets in order to get his cash money from the Wicked Witch of the North to get revenge on Dorothy for killing her two sisters. Besides killing midgets he gardens. He plants roses and tulips in a heart formation on his front lawn for everyone to see. After that he plays hopscotch with his four year friends and listens to the Jonas Brothers. Did I mention that Pinky is a High School Senior? This is what he does every day. He wakes up and starts his day off at the WAK. He has an awesome and delicious breakfast. (The WAK is located on Broadway on the corner of Three Rod where it turns into Sandridge at the street light. Stop in some timeJ.) Then he is off to kill the twenty midgets with a machete and then plants his flowers. To end the day he plays hopscotch while the sun goes down and then goes to bed at eight p.m. while listening to the Jonas Brothers. He is some man right there. I wish I had that same life. Right now I am so jealous because my life is not rushing with excitement like his is. This is the extraordinary life of Ryan Pinkowski. Be jealous. Who wouldn’t be?