This picture reminds me of an epic event that took place about five years ago. I used to live on Two Rod in a rather older house. Because of the house being so old, there were a lot of holes where mice can come in and take over the house. I had three cats at that time and a dog. When a mouse would appear it was like a wrestling match. It was quite scary because I would be jumping on the couch like a little girl screaming bloody murder while the cats and dog are having a party with mouse. Anyways, the real story here is about my father being the hero. So, my cats were chasing around this mouse and it was squealing so loud. My dad came out of his room and grabbed this shovel. We had a fire burning stove at that time, so when we had to build fires we had to shovel out the older coals and what not. My dad bought this little metal shovel for that. For some reason he felt the need to kill the mouse with that…My father starts to chase the mouse around and starts to hit it with the shovel but this mouse must be on steroids or something because it was just not dying! I felt so bad for the mouse, but I wanted it to die just so I could get on with my life. I jumped onto the couch and got into the fetal position. I didn’t want to watch dad kill this poor mouse, so I hid my face in a pillow. Crystal joined my on the couch also and we hid our faces together. While I was in the fetal position I felt something hit my shin. I looked up and saw the mouse on my leg. I died, just saying.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Group J: Mommy Can I Wake Up Now?

Group J: You Still Have All of Me.

Friday, January 20, 2012
Group J: The first blog that has ever made me cry.
A hero to me is someone who is always there for you and someone that you look up to. A lot of people will write about their parents or a certain teacher, but I believe that heroes don’t always have to be older than you or have to be dead. My hero is my little sister, Crystal. She might be one of the smartest, adorable, unique and beautiful (inside and outside) human being you will ever meet. I’ve been technically raising her with my father ever since I was very young. Of course we fight like every sibling does, but Crystal and I have a different kind of relationship than other siblings. It’s more of a mother daughter relationship. I trust her with my life. She can read me like a book. I told her today that I would probably be angry because of a certain class I dislike (I won’t name it) and she told me that she would make me happy. To be honest, no one has ever said that to me before. She always makes me smile because of the things she does. Even if she makes mistakes, I smile because I know she learns from them and that’s what makes her human. She is the shyest person I’ve ever met and even though that pisses me off sometimes because she won’t go into the store alone, it still makes me smile because it means she doesn’t want to be without me. And this is where I start crying while I write this because it’s so emotional to pour my heart about something like this. I’m afraid to graduate and leave her because she’s all I have left besides my father. That’s why I sometimes wonder what was running through my mothers’ head when she decided to leave us one day. I can’t stand thinking about ever leaving Crystal or my father. My younger sister is my hero, and she will always be my hero.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Group I : I'm a Creep. -.-
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Creamsicle |
For this choice blog I will be writing about how much I love Shannon Purdy. We met back when I was in tenth grade. The first words I have ever said to her were, “Move over, I have a big (insert swear word here).” I was trying to sit down at the lunch table and she was in my way. My junior year, I stalked her to the point where I was almost arrested. We had Online Publishing together, and that’s when my love for her grew so much deeper. I can’t sleep at night unless I have heard her voice throughout the day. One day, this may have been the luckiest day of my life, I got her cell phone number. I asked her if she had a phone and she replied, “Yea, I’m not Amish.” Ever since then, I’ve called her 24/7, night and day, day and night. I’ve called her so much that my phone ran out of minutes, so I had to buy more. I ran up a phone bill that was almost a thousand dollars. This month, it’s going to be more than a thousand. Also this month, it is her birthday. I’m going to kidnap her and take her to Paris, where she has always wanted to go (read her bucket list blog). After that I will take her to New York City where I will propose to her. If she says no, I’m making her marry me. She’s neglected me long enough. My love for her is greater than the love I have for Spongebob, my ex-husband. We’re going to stay in New York and buy a small house. We’re going to buy a kitty cat that is orange and white and name him/her Creamsicle. This is the beginning of our beautiful future together.
Group I : Texting is for Squares.
To be honest, I never make New Year resolutions because I never follow through with them. This year though, I really want to love more instead of hate. I always say that I don’t judge people, but sometimes I look at people and hate them because they hang out with the wrong people. I’m not proud of that, but I will try as hard as I can. I also want to work hard on the relationship that I have with my current boyfriend. Since he lives in Texas, it’s going to be hard to talk to him all the time. I don’t want to break up with him just because of that. I believe that long-distance relationships work because I have a lot of family members that have met their wives and husbands on the internet. Sometimes though, I do give up on relationships like that because we never come up with plans about our future. I can’t date someone who doesn’t want to be with me or move for me. What’s the point of being with someone if they don’t want to move or try to be with you? I’m willing to move for him, but it’s going to be hard because I’m so connected to my father and my younger sister. I’d literally die for my boyfriend and I know he feels the same way. I want us to be together forever and I’ll do anything to keep that going. I think that’s the most important thing to me right now. This relationship is really based on trust and being able to tolerate this relationship because we live so far apart. We’ve been together for three months, but I’ve known him longer than that.
Another New Year resolution is that I don’t want to text as much. Normally I text almost five different people in a day and I miss a lot of stuff that’s happening around me. I learned from my friend that if you leave your phone on silent and keep it in your pocket, you won’t depend on it as much. It’s true. If I go out with my dad I leave my phone at home or if I’m home and hanging out with my sister, I keep it in my room. I noticed how much time I took away from my day because of texting people and I’m trying to get it back. I can do more things than text and that can actually help my grades. I actually started to study and amazingly that stuff actually works! I know, I’m a senior and I finally just started to study. Well, there are a lot of exams at the end of the year and if I do really great in those classes I can be exempt from the exams. I’m trying as hard as I can. So, yea, that’s legit.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Group I : Bieber Be Gone!!!
1.) Get married / be a mother
2.) See all my favorite bands in concert
3.) Shoot Justin Bieber in the face
My uncle always says that people are crazy if they want to get married, but one way I don’t want to end my life is alone. I want to marry perhaps my present boyfriend and start a family with him in the future. I know it’s kind of scary thinking about marriage right now, but it’s something I really want to do. Being a mother is something I have always wanted to be. I’ve been a mother to my younger sister ever since she was born because my mother didn’t care about us. Crystal (my sister) actually got me a #1 Mom bracelet for Christmas. I literally cried. But, I actually want to have kids of my own. To be honest, I want like four kids. I grew up with a big family, so I want to have one of my own. Another thing I’m really passionate about is the music that I listen to. My father is really protective of me and Crystal and because of that, I can’t go see the bands I love. I listen to hardcore music and sometimes people end up dead and or injured at those concerts. I listen to about six or seven different Metalcore bands and I want to see all of them. I love Black Veil Brides, Asking Alexandria, D.R.U.G.S., Falling in Reverse, Escape the Fate, Blood on the Dancefloor and Bless the Fall. I know it’ll cost a crap ton of money, but in the end, it’ll be worth it. This will take a lot of planning, but I swear, somehow Justin Bieber will disappear off the face of this earth. Of course I’m kind of kidding, but Jesus -.- people need to notice that he can’t sing anymore and his career is practically over. His music sounds the same in each song and I believe that Metalcore is going to rule the world one day.
Group I : The Love of my Life
The highlight of my holiday break would have to be the fact that my boyfriend, Jon, came up from Texas to spend Christmas and New Years with me. He arrived on the eighteenth of December and just left on the first of January. I met him online and he’s actually the first person I ever fell in love with. I like meeting people online because the people here in Alden are way too judgmental. I’m sure you understand what I mean when I say that. Anyways, I know online dating can be dangerous because he’s miles away and he could be some forty year old man. Well, he’s not. He was extremely nervous, not only to meet me, but to meet my father and my family. We’ve Skyped and stuff, so we were already close before he came here. We only argued a couple of times while he was here, which was okay because we made up. I think that made our relationship stronger because normally if we argue over the phone he doesn’t like to talk it out. But, in this case, he kind of had to. Other than that, we went on our first date together and spent Christmas together. He got me this necklace with his initial on it. I wear the necklace all the time and make sure it never leaves my site. He also handmade these two bears, making one big and the other little. The bigger one is him, and the smaller one is me. He painted them white and they are completely adorable. I got him this Old Spice bathroom set because he loves that stuff more than me. :] I also bought him some clothes. I think this Christmas and New Years were the best I’ve ever had. I haven’t ever been this happy in my life. The only thing that really sucked was the fact that he had to leave. I think that was the hardest good-bye that I ever had to go through. I cried for hours, I can’t sleep and well, it just sucks. I know we’ll see each other again, but it won’t be for a couple months. It sometimes feels like he wasn’t ever here because he had to go so suddenly. Well, that was the highlight of my holiday break.
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