Monday, September 27, 2010

9/27-10/1 Favorite Season

My favorite season is fall. I love this part of the year because the next season is winter which is my second favorite season. I am a polar bear. I love the cool weather and the colors of the leaves. If you know me I am a very colorful person. I love walking through my back yard and looking at all the colors on the trees. I always try to think if it’s possible to have even more colors of leaves because that would be so cool. Just think, what if there were blue leaves? That would be awesome. When I was younger I always raked the leaves into a pile and then jumped in them. Since then I moved to a new house and I have fewer trees then I had before so my back yard is less colorful. During the fall nights I love to lay on the hill in my yard and stare at the stars and daydream. I can tolerate fall weather because it’s not too warm and it’s not too cold. I wish it was fall all year long because it’s just so relaxing and peaceful. Fall also means Halloween. I am a weirdo when it comes to Halloween. I dress up weird and even though I’m sixteen I still go out and get candy. I do believe I will be doing that until I can’t walk anymore. I also love the freshness of the air. You can definitely tell the difference between fall air and summer air. You can smell the leaves in the air and I love it.

9/27-10/1 My escape

If you know who I am, you should know that I am indeed a Herter. I come from a huge family. My house isn’t peaceful at all. I always have people yelling at each other, the television all the way up or the dog barking at one of the cats. Actually all three of those things are going on at the same time. It’s annoying. I stay after a lot to escape all of that. Recently my mother left my family, so I don’t have a mother anymore. I stay after with Ms. Gilmore because she is a mother to me. She is always there for me and her classroom is home to me. It’s always quiet and peaceful. She also helps me with many things as in; homework, advice and just being there for me. It means a lot to me for someone like her to be there for me when I need her. When I can’t stay after, I also escape to my room. I read or write or do both at the same time. I finally got my own room during the summer so it’s easier to have my own time. I can just lay on my bed and daydream about stuff without being bothered. I am in my room a lot because I need peace to think and I think a lot. If I never had my own room or Ms. Gilmore I don’t know where I would go to be in my own little world.

9/27-10/1 interview

I interviewed Morgan Koziel. Even though this interview took about ten minutes, it was so much fun.
KH: What kind of music and bands do you listen to?
MK: I listen to a lot: Black Veil Brides, Never Shout Never, Dressen Dolls, Blue October, Modest Mouse, These New Puritins, Dir en Gray.

KH: What do you do in your free time?
MK: I go from doing absolutely nothing to playing video games, watching and re-watching anime and martial arts.

KH: Do you have a job? If so what is it?
MK: I did have one. I had to stop working because of school but I did work at Darien Lake as a Character Artist.

KH: What’s your favorite color? Why?
MK: My favorite color is double rainbow because it’s all the way across the sky and it’s intense.

KH: What do you want to be when you graduate? Why?
MK: I want to start a business and make clothes. If someone wants a handmade wedding dress I can make it right there. I want to make clothes because I like pretty clothes. –smiles-
I enjoyed interviewing her. I’ve always seen her around school but I never actually talked to her. This was a great idea for a blog and I hope we can do this again but with someone else. I love to talk to people I don’t really know and get to know them.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

9/20-9/24 Past

I’ve always made mistakes, then again who hasn’t? My mother and I never had a good relationship. We would always fight and I would always argue back which feeds the fire. Every time we fought I’d always blame it on her because most of the time it was her fault. Sometimes I would over react and just scream at her because she made me so mad. Now when I look back I should have acted my age. Instead of her yelling at me and me yelling at her I should have been the bigger person and just walk away. I’ve always regretted saying something to her while we were fighting. My madness just took over me and I couldn’t control what I was saying. I’d always feed the fire because I wouldn’t shut my mouth. If I learned something, it is definitely just shutting my mouth. I shouldn’t have yelled at my mom even though she was yelling back at me. If I could go back in time I would try to find the spot where we messed up our relationship. It’s always been a hateful relationship and I have no idea why. I always look at other girls and their moms and I just feel so sad because I don’t have a relationship with my mom like that. I’d do anything to get my mom back and change our relationship so we didn’t fight anymore. It hurts, it truly does.

Monday, September 20, 2010

9/20-9/24 Present

I love a lot about my life right now. I’ve changed a lot since the past. I’ve lost weight, grew taller, my teeth are straighter and my eyes turned more of a green gray than a green blue.  I love the way I am now. In the past I never really loved the way I looked.  Lately I’ve been having many family problems but because I have the greatest friends there for me I’m able to get through these problems. I just spent last weekend with my best friend for life Caitlin. Without her I don’t know where I would be right now. She has made my life what it is. She introduced me to Screamo music which I am madly in love with. She has become a part of me and if she ever left me I probably wouldn’t be able to live. Life in general is great. I’m almost out of high school which means I’m able to start my own life and achieve my dream of becoming an author. I’ll be able to change a lot about myself. My dad won’t let me get piercings or tattoos so I have to wait until I graduate and I’m out of his house. I’ll just put this out there right now; since Mono is gone it has been so peaceful. Not only did I get my own room, but the house is cleaner since he’s gone.  

9/20-9/24 Future

When I graduate I want to become an author. I want to be able to write about anything I want and relieve my stress through my writing. I’ve written over twenty stories and I want to publish them. I want all my family drama out of my life. Lately I’ve noticed I’m not so happy because of the drama. Then again without that drama and without that stress I wouldn’t have started writing. I plan on achieving my goals by not giving up. I will never stop writing. I tell myself that each story I write I become a better writer. I remember my first story I wrote back in 2007. It was called Zombie Alive. That story was only a couple pages long. Now my stories are almost 300 pages. I finished one over the summer that was called Blood So Sweet. That was my first 300 page story. My friends support me by reading and commenting on my stories. That makes me feel great about what I’m doing and it makes me think that I can really do this. I can achieve my dream of being an author. My grandma is the only one that really supports me from my family which is why I definitely want to become an author. I’m not afraid of letting her read my stories and hearing the criticism that she says. I appreciate everything that she says to me. My vocabulary and my spelling have become so much better since I’ve started writing. One day you will be reading one of my books.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

9/13-9/17 blog #4 (the story)

“These roses I give you will forever last when we’re together,” Jake said as he handed a bouquet of flowers to Miranda. “Put these in vases, a single rose in each vase and watch them grow as our love grows.”
                Miranda smiled softly and held the bouquet in her hands. “They are beautiful,” she said.
                Jake smiled back at her and took her hand. “I promise never to break your heart and if I do, the roses will die.”
                “Well, let’s just hope these roses last forever,” she said as her eyes flooded with tears.
He gently bent down to her and kissed her soft lips. “I know they will last forever.”
She smiled up at him. She knew she had finally found the one she was looking for. They have been dating for two months and already they are both in love. Miranda was only twenty-two while Jake was twenty-six. They met in a bookstore. Miranda was the clerk; the quiet lonely girl only existed in her world. Then, there he was before her, holding her favorite book: Once Upon A Rose. Her cheeks blushed bright pink as she took the book from his hand and she scanned it. As she gave it back their hands brushed and her heart sped up.
“Jake,” he said as he gave the money to her.
“Miranda,” she said as she took the money from his rather soft hand.
“It’s nice to meet you.”
She smiled to herself. “It’s nice to meet you also,” she said as she handed the change back to the man that she would soon fall in love with.
“It must be nice to be working in a place like this,” he said as he tucked the book under his arm and the money into his pocket.
“It is,” she said. “It’s quiet.”
“I can tell,” he said looking around to see only a couple people. “When do you get out of here?” he asked leaning against the counter before her.
“Um,” she said shyly. “I should be closing in a half hour. Why?”
“Do you want to go out for a little while?”
She blushed once again. She wasn’t used to a guy that was so sweet to her. “Oh sure.”
He smiled big. “Alright, I’ll go sit over there and wait for you.”
She smiled back. “Okay.”
The day that Jake handed those roses to Miranda changed their love for one another in so many ways. Miranda wanted to marry Jake; she wanted to be with him forever. Jake on the other hand, felt different after he gave her the flowers. It was almost as if Miranda got obsessed with him. As Jake pulled away from Miranda, the petals on the roses slowly faded away, and then soon the vases ended up disappearing as well as the roses inside them. The love that was once so sweet, became so deadly.

Monday, September 13, 2010

9/13-9/17 blog #3

This picture reminds me of a dream I once had. I lived in a lighthouse away from everyone and that’s how this picture is, a house and a lighthouse on top of the Grand Canyon where no one else can reach them. Some days I wish I can be like that. It’s almost as if you’re the only person in the world. No one can bother you and no one can tell you what to do. It’s your own little world. It’s rather relaxing when no one else is around to ruin your alone time. Let’s just say the Grand Canyon is the best place to go when you want to be alone, well in your dreams.

9/13-9/17 #2

This picture makes me feel relaxed yet frightened at the same time. The waves remind me of the soft ocean sound as the wave’s splash against the rocks. That is very relaxing to me. Then again water reminds me of drowning. That is one way I never want to die. That’s what frightens me the most. I would never want to live near the water. Even though I would maybe like it for vacation, I would never actually want to live near it. I’m afraid of hurricanes and flooding. I wouldn’t want to pay so much money for this house and then have it destroyed because of weather.

9/13-9/17 blog #1

This picture I find rather sad. It reminds me of my dog which is now in "doggy heaven." The dog is disappearing right before our eyes. My dog was pretty much doing that also. She was getting really old and she was so fragile. Then one day she just wasn't there. Patches was her name, and the patches of black also reminds me of her because she had patches of brown around her body. This picture is just rather dark and gloomy and it reminds me of sadness.